More than 95 million people are affected by natural disasters. Another 141 million people are in urgent need of humanitarian aid. According to the OCHA, this high number of people in need of help is matched by only a small number of aid workers, 4480 global aid organizations, whose capacities are unfortunately insufficient to cope with the current situation and to provide additional supplies to the people. The everyday life of the helpers is led by chaos, stress, own helplessness, disorientation. In short, with a lot of emotions, although they themselves should keep a clear head and act rationally.
The activities of such relief workers include medical and psychological treatment of the sick and wounded, sanitation, and support for the malnourished. The distribution of relief supplies and the implementation of vaccination campaigns are also part of the tasks.
We conducted interviews with various humanitarian aid stakeholders and used our findings to design a product ecosystem. Graphite should be able to function as independently as possible from local infrastructure and support aid workers in the field as well as in everyday hospital life. The registration and recognition of patients and people in need of assistance is an important part of this task. Through automatic documentation in a digital database, all important data will be recorded and will serve as a source of information for medical personnel during the course of treatment in order to create an optimal treatment environment.
graphite. companion supports helpers in the field as well as in the hospital with networking and data logging.
graphite. glass is intended as an AR system supporting medical professionals in the humanitarian aid field.